Sunday, October 20, 2013

I have 46 cents in the bank.  Not only do I have 46 cents in the bank, but I have had 46 cents in the bank for more than a week.

My "husband" has not reimbursed me for $60 in doctor copays for his children who had MRSA and impetigo...copays that he insisted on seeing receipts for.  Now, my children's' behavior has gotten to the point where I am very worried about how all this change is affecting them.  I do not know how to parent this behavior.  I have spoken to their doctor and feel that is it best to take them to a children's psychologist.  When I ask their father for the money, he responds with the following:
     "Give me receipt and I will pay. What's wrong with them?"

I don't know what to do.  I don't even know how to respond other than to run right up and get the razor blades.

Currently, my mother is in the kitchen making sure I can hear her do the dishes.  She is passive aggressively telling me "I'm in here cleaning up after you and your kids."  I can no longer go to her for a shoulder to cry on or a receptive ear.  Well, actually I've know that since before I moved in here.  Now I just have to put that knowledge into practice.  I cannot ask her for advice.  I cannot complain about anything to her.  I certainly cannot ask her for financial support.

Two living parents in this world and not one of them will show me any emotional or financial support right now.  How's that for making you feel unloved?  Parents, who are supposed to have to love you because they chose to create you, and they can see nothing of the hurt in my heart.  They cannot hear me wailing for comfort.

So in my silence, I bleed.

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